Under-Payment of a Claim
October 21, 2024 9:24 amClaims on an insurance are supposed to provide the insured with the required amount of money to recover his losses […]
Claims on an insurance are supposed to provide the insured with the required amount of money to recover his losses […]
When an insurance claim is made, the insurance company will typically send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine the appropriate amount of compensation. While one adjuster can complete this task, two types of adjusters are equipped to be involved in the process: independent adjusters and public adjusters. Read our blog post for a look at the difference between independent vs. public insurance adjusters.
Public adjusters can help evaluate damage caused by incidents to help you file insurance claims. But how do you know if you should hire one? Read our blog post to find out why you should consider hiring a public adjuster to help file your insurance claims.