Author Archives for Michael Acerra Public Adjuster

red car with a large fallen tree on top

Insurance Claims: FAQs

January 8, 2024 8:37 pm Published by Comments Off on Insurance Claims: FAQs

Filing an insurance claim, especially without any previous experience, can be a maze of confusion and uncertainty. Though you may feel alone, you’re not the only one with questions or concerns. Read our blog post where we share answers to questions that we get asked frequently about insurance claims.

Insurance documents being handed from one person to another

When to Hire a Public Adjuster: A Guide to Knowing When You Need Professional Help

October 11, 2023 6:45 pm Published by Comments Off on When to Hire a Public Adjuster: A Guide to Knowing When You Need Professional Help

Dealing with insurance claims can be daunting, especially when you're faced with property damage or loss. In such situations, a public adjuster can be your advocate and guide, ensuring you receive fair compensation from your insurance company. Read our blog post for guidance on when to hire a public adjuster.

Photo of a tile roof with parts torn off due to a storm.

How Can a Public Adjuster Help Me With Storm Damage Claims?

July 25, 2023 8:41 pm Published by Comments Off on How Can a Public Adjuster Help Me With Storm Damage Claims?

Enlisting the help of a public adjuster can provide invaluable support when it comes to filing a claim. Do you need help filing a storm damage claim? Do you need help with a commercial claim? Michael Acerra, your local public adjuster in San Antonio, is here to help!

two men shake hands after a successful insurance claim resolution

Independent Adjusters vs. Public Adjusters

April 10, 2023 7:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Independent Adjusters vs. Public Adjusters

When an insurance claim is made, the insurance company will typically send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine the appropriate amount of compensation. While one adjuster can complete this task, two types of adjusters are equipped to be involved in the process: independent adjusters and public adjusters. Read our blog post for a look at the difference between independent vs. public insurance adjusters.

woman shakes hands and smiles after an insurance claim settlement

When to Hire a Public Adjuster

October 10, 2022 8:30 pm Published by Comments Off on When to Hire a Public Adjuster

Public adjusters can help evaluate damage caused by incidents to help you file insurance claims. But how do you know if you should hire one? Read our blog post to find out why you should consider hiring a public adjuster to help file your insurance claims.